ready to have perfect-fit clients banging down your digital door?

discover how to leverage the power of Instant resonance™ so you can simply magnetize more of your ideal clients  


does this sound familiar?

Feeling unsure about what your people need to hear to inspire them to buy...

Starting from a blank page every time...

Uncertainty about how to communicate what you offer in a way that has people saying "YES!"...

Tired of spending time & energy marketing only to attract people who aren't a good fit...

Knowing you're really only reaching a tiny sliver of your audience...


I’m Jacqueline.

Over the last 10 years, I've supported 1000+ online entrepreneurs in growing their businesses, and here's what I know to be true:

There are countless ways to market your work...

But none of those strategies and tactics will work if you're not clearly communicating the value of your offers to those who need it.

This is exactly why I created the Neuro-Marketing Method™

Our psychology-based marketing and messaging methodology works with human behavior instead of against it...

And as a result, our clients experience consistent revenue growth & have ideal clients coming to them every single day.

what if your marketing did all the selling for you?

What if sales could get a LOT easier... and no convincing was necessary...
Because your marketing message is so resonant that your ideal clients know your offer is what they need?
If you’ve been feeling like your marketing has fallen a little flat and lackluster…
If you feel like your message isn’t quiiiite landing as effectively as you want…
If you know your message needs to be more clear and more resonant to bring in the right people
If you’d like to see a bigger response to your marketing efforts (and obviously enroll more clients into your offers)...



Imagine perfect-fit clients raising their hands excitedly for what you offer… over and over again. Feels good, right?

Would it be valuable for you to...

  • Get hands-on support to create your *instantly resonant* messaging that brings in your perfect-fit clients?
  • Learn how to install our simple One Week Launch System for breezy, profitable conversion events?
  • Discover how to create marketing that leads the *right* people to take the next step with you? 

Sold Out Programs is designed to help you create simple, wildly effective messaging and marketing to... well, sell out your programs.


Join us in Sold Out Programs... where you'll discover how to leverage the power of Instant Resonance™ to magnetize & enroll your perfect-fit clients repeatably and consistently. 


SOP is designed to be everything you need to become a master at communicating the value of your offers.

  • 6 months of customized weekly support sessions with Jacqueline & team
  • Access to the full Neuro-Marketing Method frameworks & methods to implement into your business
  • Monthly NEW Marketing Playbook classes (tangible marketing trainings & templates)
  • Monthly Content Co-Working Sessions 
  • BONUS (limited time): 1:1 Intensive session with Jacqueline to kick off your SOP journey



Deep dive into “dating your audience”, discover their desires and challenges, and craft mind-reading content that acts as Cupid’s arrow aimed lovingly right at your ideal clients.

  • Uncover your specific, unique Instant Resonance messaging that will have your clients knocking down your door
  • Learn how to communicate the value of what you offer so clearly that it's a no-brainer for the right person


The Neuro-Marketing Method™ 

Create wildly effective, repeatable marketing that activates your audience & leads them closer to buying with every post. 

  • Learn how to create "The Netflix Effect" with your marketing content and lead them from new --> signing up now
  • We'll help you extract & flesh out marketing that speaks to your *exact* person at every stage of the buyer's journey
  • Discover how to activate your entire audience, awaken the lurkers, & create magnetism around your offers


the one week launch system

Light a fire under on your marketing with our One-Week Launch System for simple conversion events that create 100k+ weeks for our clients.

  • Create conversion events that fill up with hundreds of people (that you can do over and over) to fill up your programs
  • Fill Your DMs: learn our signature content-to-DMs process to create sales conversations with ideal clients
  • BONUS: Sales Page From Scratch training + walkthrough to build no-brainer sales pages that convert
  • BONUS: Conversion Event Case Studies: We'll give you our exact process for events that generate 6 figures in revenue in 3-7 days.
  • So much more... 

We'll help you create your customized marketing game plan to create these results for yourself.


Weekly Support Calls

Bring it all to the table! Your offers, content, your headlines, CTAs, taglines, upcoming launch questions... you name it. We’ll brainstorm, strategize, edit, and work through it together to help you get exactly what you need and move forward powerfully.

$1000 value (per call)

Monthly Marketing Playbook

Each month, our Marketing Playbook will be released to you, full of actionable frameworks and sequences for you to immediately make sales.


Can you imagine if you quit trying to make it up as you go and instead modeled proven content sequences and a simple, step-by-step game plan to regularly bring in sales? How much is that worth over the course of a year?

Monthly Co-Working Call

Monthly sessions specifically designed to be your dedicated content creation time. Treat it like homeroom. Come in, put on your headphones, get into the energy of creation, and let the magic flow. Accountability, peer review, and focused time. We're here if you get stuck or need a quick brainstorm. :) 


what's included:

  • Monthly Marketing Playbook (Valued at $1500 per call)
  • Weekly Support Call (Valued at $1000 per call)
  • Date Your Audience Questions (Valued at $497)
  • Vague to Vivid Messaging trainings (Valued at $497)
  • High-Converting Hooks & Headlines (Valued at $197)
  • The Everyday Post (Valued at $197)
  • The CTA Bank (Valued at $97)
  • Sign-Ups & Sales Training (Valued at $197)
  • Titles & Taglines Training (Valued at $97)


  • Audience Expansion Training (Valued at $197)
  • The One-Week Launch Trainings (Valued at $5000)
  • Fill Your DMs (Valued at $67)
  • Flash Sale Framework (Valued at $333)
  • The Neuro-Marketing Method Trainings (Valued at $6500)
  • BONUS: Sales Page From Scratch (Valued at $1000)
  • BONUS: Conversion Event Case Studies (Valued at $5k+)
  • And more…

When Jacqueline speaks on anything marketing, branding, or messaging, I listen.

Her trainings helped me go from confused to clear real fast, simple as that.  She took what would have been days or weeks of research and condensed them into a couple hours worth of information that I could apply immediately.  

My first major course launch was a success and I definitely have Jacqueline to thank for that. Excited to stay up to do with everything she has to offer this community moving forward.

Max, podcaster

"I recently signed up for her Masterclass and it was so eye opening...

I thought I knew what I was doing as a marketer. Already made two 4K sales on a program that I have never run before.. Thank you truly."

- Matthew


© 2022 Creativision / Jacqueline Yvette